Those of you that have been in the Chat Rooms as of late, would know that we lost 3 Faultsmen.
Personally, I'm quite glad that they went.
But one did return and sure, he still has to get back into regular work with us, there is a lot of ill-feeling between us and the ones that did leave.
But there was a thing that the other team of Faultsmen, didn't like that really rubbed us other people up the wrong way:
- I don't like going out after 10pm at night.
- I don't like going out into the country.
- I don't like walking across open fields, where there could be Bulls or Cows in that field.
Personally, I've walked over heaps of paddocks to change HV fuses at 2 AM and have never been worried by the cattle/sheep or whatever.
Lets just get real here!.