We had a rail-head/store magazine containing many tons of HE. The 3 guys in there improvised an illegal secret camouflaged greenhouse in the glazed clerestory roof. All that summer, wonderful free fresh salads descended to the canteen- I ate some regularly, unwittingly implicated in the plot- I was told the stuff was excess from someone's garden. They had a secret ladder and watered it all from the fire hydrant. Eventually, a Safety Dept. guy saw tomato plants in grow-bags out of the window of a outbound factory double-decker bus one evening and the game was up! I sentenced them to a severe reprimand, (inwardly trying desperately not to laugh), the lowest possible sanction, and got my reward - one of the guy's wives was our Cook, and I got 2 rounds of free toast at breakfast for the rest of my stint there.
Actually, it turned out to be the loaf-ends, which usually went in the trash, but the thought was there!
Happy Days
Whoops! edited twice for spelling.
[This message has been edited by Alan Belson (edited 07-09-2005).]
[This message has been edited by Alan Belson (edited 07-09-2005).]