This is a service change that for the most part I did with one helper.
The building had a 4000 amp 208/120 service, we changed that to a 3000 amp 480/277 service.
We also added a 1200 480 volt switchgear almost 400' from the new service.
The original service had two 800 amp 208 volt feeders that fed two 208 to 480 volt transformers to feed some 480 volt refrigeration equipment.
My entire "print" for this job was an 8.5" x 11" paper one line diagram drawn by a VP at my office.
Key points.
1)Install new pad mount transformer outside and run conduit to a POCO substation.
2)Install new 480 volt 3000 amp switchgear
3)Refeed existing 4000 amp 208 service gear with 1000 KVA transformer
4)Run two 300 amp 480 volt feeds for refrigeration equipment.
5)Run 1200 480 volt feeder and install switch gear on the other side of building.
6)Reroute Fire pump feeder off of 4000 amp service gear and to another 208 service in the same area.
7)And as always little to no downtime, we did the cut over with 12 guys that worked 12 to 20 hours one weekend.
I wish I had pictures of the pipe work before the service gear arrived, I could not wait and did 99% of the pipe work before the gear was even on site.
Good cut sheets from Square D make that possible and when the gear arrived I punched and tipped it in under the raceways.
[This message has been edited by iwire (edited 04-12-2004).]