Here's some pics of a few things that CalOSHA found intriguing at a local golf cart manufacturer... The switch was in a wash bay & controlled a sump pump, the switch was soaking wet! The recept with the industrial raised cover was in an area that the carts are charged... right about bumper level! (couldn't figure out where the cord & plug went, besides down the conduit & into the ground!) The "Bell Boxes" were faced up under a water reclamation system!! one was without a cover (with the butt-splices) the other one was ½ full of water, with the cover on! Another one is a "ho-made" adapter... 5-20 to 5-15!
I've seen some pretty sorry looking sump pump jobs, but this is about the worst. Bell boxes don't last long in them. I've got up a silly sump pic if I can find it....It's here someplace...S