That's even IF it is plugged into a GFCI protected socket.
I have an electric hairdryer with a normal plug instead of one of those chunky GFCI things.
I sure don't put the dryer anywhere near the sink on the rare occasions I've used it and I'm certainly not stupid enough to use it in the bathtub -- who the heck does that??!!
"I'm certainly not stupid enough to use it in the bathtub -- who the heck does that??!!" You'd be surprised ther are many more idiots out there than we give credit.
99.999% of the time, nothing bad happens- beause either most folks are sensible enough not to dry their hair while they're washing it- or because something breaks before anyone is hurt.
For the remainder, who aren't about to let common sense interfere with their quest to receive the "Darwin" award....that little note buried in the pit of the holder simply makes it harder for the heirs to sue.
I almost hate to admit this but I had a hard time breaking my wife of her habit of just dropping her curling iron into the empty bathroom sink to cool off when she finished with it. It was the old 'nothing's happened yet' argument.