I live in Indiana and we have a “No Call List”. You can get added to it by going to the following link http://www.in.gov/attorneygeneral/telephoneprivacy/index.htm it tells you about the groups that can and can’t call you and how to register. It has been great since I got on the list, almost no calls. Before what I would do mostly was answer and if someone didn’t say hello right away I would hang up.

Another funny site to check out is the comedian Tom Mabe, he has been on BOB & TOM many times and he likes to have fun with the telemarketers. His site is http://www.tommabe.com. He has a link on his site to P.E.S.T, which is a group that is starting “No Call List” for different states. Their site has links to the states that have “No Call List”.

I rush in where others flee.