Sparky, here is where it gets difficult:

In Spanish, the word "exit" and the word "outlet" can have different translations depending on the usage:

For example:
An electrical outlet (as in that two hole brown thing in your wall) is a "tomacorriente" or just a "toma" (literally translated as a "take-current").

An outlet or exit can also be a "salida" when referring to a door or other exit in a building.

When referring to an outlet where a fluid exits a container (such as sink drain) you can also use the terms "desague," "vertedero" or "sifon" (as in siphon) again depending upon application.

An electrical plug or outlet can generically be referred to as an "enchufe" but a plug is typically referred to as a "clavija."

Lampholders are either called "plafon" when it's a ceiling mounted porcelain (or plastic) lampholder that attaches to the ceiling box [this is more of a Colombianese word [Linked Image] ] or more universally a "portalampara" (literally a lamp-holder) to refer to any lampholder.

In Colombia you MAY hear older people calling them "benajamin" (from the old-time manufacturer who used make those plug clusters that would screw into a lampholder under that brand name).

Makes the mind reel!! [Linked Image]