Maybe the correct question is: Which standard will be preferred by the Chinese?

Forming together with India almost half of this planet's population and being a future market to be densely electrified.

The "money heaps" don't care at all about standards, nor about work for their own people. American money is earning a lot in Europe with IEC products. And the other way round.

With regard to American wire gauges I think the answer is obvious: Europe will never return to elbows, feet and thumbs to measure distances.

Then the NEC reflects a lot of local history and conditions. This will remain different by nature, like the 50 <-> 60 Hz.

Furthermore: Nobody should believe that a German electrician will be able to work f.i. in Belgium or Netherlands without a lot of learning (5km/8km from my home). Code is completely different, the different language is the least issue with regard to that. Just the material and the basic rules are the same.