I will post on this again.
I have been on both sides of the fence.
Worked in the field for 19 years or so, Was in a partnership with the senior partner who was a "business" person and not an electrician. Sold my shares and now have my own business.

The difference between working in the field and running a business IMO are night and day. I learned much about the business end of things during the seven years I spent in the partnership as well as a few college courses I took on construction/electrical construction management

The knowledge base on this forum with regard to electrical work is incredible to say the least. I have not found anything on the net that can touch this site and my hat goes off to Bill for creating it.

It is not possible for me to make it to the Wed business chat because of a promise I made to my wife and family on how my evenings are spent. (Although many of my days start in the office at 3AM.)

Running a one man company has been interesting to say the least. My days are split between business paperwork, bidding projects, sales calls both phone and in person and purchasing for/ managing projects.

I must say that I miss the busy office environment and being able to bounce ideas and suggestions with others. In fact I do my bidding with a lap top and take every opportunity to spend time in electrical contractors offices to do my take offs and bids in their offices, off of their paper plans, rather than have them courier plans to my office. I do this more to be around people than for any other reason.

Oh, By the way I design and sell fire alarm systems these days with an occasional install on small projects.

With that said I would really like to see a business forum as well. I see that quite a few members who are running one man / small companies. I do not claim to be a business wiz but I would be more than happy to share what I can as well as learn from the rest of the gang.