I didn't used to be able to spell weird, and now I are one. Oops! (better enable spellcheck) I'm ashamed of myself (what happened to i before e, except after c)

I've found that by left clicking on DSpark's "this photo link", the Sparrow image comes right up. Not as scientific, but infinitely easier. Took another tour around Virgil's site anyway. It's sure a good one!

How about a station wagon with a tank turret or a mobile home with the interior totally remodelled as a submarine, complete with periscope, torpedo tubes, and a massive array of knobs, lights, oscilloscopes, & gauges? (only outside giveaway was the nose down, half buried dummy bomb in his driveway)
What's so weird about that? [Linked Image]

[This message has been edited by electure (edited 09-18-2001).]