I have never been a morning person.

Some people are morning people, some are not.
Some people can be changed, some cannot. I am definitely in the latter category. For those people like me, it is best not to fight the clock, but to work with it.

I am a night owl, and have been a night owl for as long as I can remember. It does not matter how early I get up, or how many cups of coffee I drink, I simply do not function well early in the morning.

It's just a fact of my life, and it's not something that can be changed, it's just the way my internal clock is wired. It has always been that way, and it will always be that way.

Alarm clocks may get me out of bed, and on the road, but they can not make me coherent, or improve my thought processes. The earlier I have to wake up, the longer it takes before I am coherent. I may barely make it to work at 8, but you probably will not be able to get a coherent answer until 9. If you want me at work at 7, I might make it, but you still will not get an coherent answer until 9. Before that time, you should consider me a zombie, and if you pour too much coffee into me, a tense, wired, irritable zombie. I may be able to function on autopilot, but that is about it.

While you may sometimes find me awake at 5 or 6am, it usually means that I have been up all night working on something, and have not yet been to bed. You should not count on me remaining productive for the rest of the day without sleep.

Around here, they start the high schools at something like 7 or 7:30, which I consider absurdly early. When I was in high school, we used to start at 8, which I also considered much too early. My first class of the day was always a loss, as I was never coherent that early in the morning.