Tried pulling info for '95 to include here, but the Census website is using weird file formats. Found this at

Percentage / Households with % % %
'87 '94/5 '99/0
Clothes Dryer 21.8 26.3 42.0
Washing Machine 77.1 85.6 93.4
Dishwasher 7.6 18.7 32.0
Microwave Oven 6.3 46.6 71.5
Television Set(s) - Owned 61.2 88.2 96.2
Two or more TV Sets 14.0 28.4 49.0
Video Player 16.9 60.9 85.0
Stereo (Whole / Part) 42.6 51.7 66.2
Home Computer 6.1 16.0 29.3

[This message has been edited by DougW (edited 03-30-2004).]