I came across this table in a 30-year-old book about the United States. It would be interesting to see the current percentage of American homes with each of these appliances.

                    Percent of homes
Item                 1953       1971
Air conditioner       1.3       40.6
Coffee maker         51.0       88.6
Dishwasher            3.0       26.5
Disposer, food waste  3.3       25.5
Dryer, clothes        3.6       44.6
Freezer              11.5       31.2
Mixer (food)         29.7       82.4
Radio                96.2       99.8
Refrigerator         89.2       99.8
Television           46.7       98.7
Toaster              70.9       92.6
Vacuum cleaner       59.4       92.0
Washer (clothes)     76.2       92.1