Our meters here in the U.K. are hard-wired rather than the American plug-in style. A simple wire and crimped seal is used through the screw heads on the covers. Similar seals are used on the carriers for the main fuse(s) ahead of the meter.

The official line is that only power company employees may break a seal, and most of them seem to take it fairly seriously, so we generally have to call them if we need power disconnected for any reason.

There was one time however when I had to strip out all the panels and fittings in a place that was to be demolished. The timing meant the disconnection would have to be done on a specific day, and the PoCo couldn't manage it on the right date.

By some miracle, I actually spoke to the engineer would be coming out to remove the meter and lines instead of the usual office staff, and he quietly told me to just cut the seal on the fuse and pull it myself.

A victory for common sense over the bureaucratic regulation-ridden pen-pushers! [Linked Image]