Please, now that Bill has the Chat area up and running, could we please have some ideas on topics for discussion.
Also, here is a question.
What time are you able to hop into the ECN Chat area?
The reason I ask this is because Bill has some really great ideas about kick-starting this Chat area and I reckon that these wiil go down well amongst us all.
The only problem is the difference in time between us all and I personally reckon (being in NZ) that this may be a bit of a stumbling block, but hey, what's a late night once in a while, eh?. [Linked Image]
This is why we need a set time (UTC?)(Universal Time Co-ordinated) to start a given topic, so that no-one is left out.
So, if you guys have ideas on what we can talk about in specific, please by all means let us know below.
Last but not least, this is a resource that should be used to it's fullest, there is no point in having it if it is not going to be used, please make the most of it guys!. [Linked Image]