after you've been around a while you come to realize what works and what doesn't, abiet statistical info.
I think everyone here has backstabbed the occasional device carrying a minimal load, and called it a day.
And probably seen their share of backstabbed boo-boo's too.
By the same token, many interacting codes have resulted in complete quagmires here, the end result, although compliant, seen objectively thru the eye of a proffessional bears scutiny.
But hey, it's our NEC, warts and all, the entire format screams "Question Authority",which is our right, from seasoned veteran to first day apprentice.
The manufacturing sector, however, is an entity that has us by the cookies. We, as a trade, have little input as to the complete garbadge marketed under the guise of trade tarrifs, and 17 NRTL's competing for the job of listing them.
Just think , why would the NRTL's no longer list #12 only for backstabbing, and not #14 ?