Thanks for the explanation. The usual bad timing meant that I received Mike Holt's e-mail about this right after I posted the question!

I know I'm a bit simple-minded,but wouldn't it be easier for all concerned to make the Nec exactly what it says and have 1 code nationwide?
You mean like we have in Britain? (Though of course we're a much smaller country.)

Maybe it would be unconstitutional for the G-men to impose the NEC as a single code applicable right across the nation, but do you think it would be a nice idea if the 50 state governments (plus D.C.) could get together and agree voluntarily to standardize everything around the NEC?

I suppose that each state would then have to persuade individual counties and cities to fall into line as well. Perhaps I'm being simple-minded now?

[This message has been edited by pauluk (edited 07-03-2003).]