A lot of our workers come from south of the border where safety is an afterthought and they bring that culture with them. It is hard to get them with the program and unfortunately there were plenty of anglo managers who just think "there are more where he came from". The attitude is turning but there is nothing like an OSHA "go team" who show up after an accident to mold there opinion. Once they are in town, they hit as many jobs as they can before they move on to the next accident.
Usually they get pretty good compliance with hard hats and footwear. Other PPE and fall protection seems to be a little less prevalent. I still see guys walking the beam with a concrete hose fairly regularly. The best the super can do is be sure the ground around the wall is policed up so they won't land on broken block and rebar if they fall. Nobody wants to set up 150-200 feet of scaffolding to pump a truckload or two of concrete.

Greg Fretwell