Not to rain on the legislators' parade - regular readers will know that I think code-writing has run amok, and that the 'energy' codes are among the worst offenders - Having a pool filter system supplemented by modern controls can really save energy.

Indeed, from the comments so far, it appears that other codes have obstructed the market from addressing this fact.

I've seen the most basic solar collectors make a huge difference in pool heating costs. Remember, as you circulate the water you are also often heating it!

Likewise, codes seem to assume that chlorine is used to sanitize pools. Perhaps this was once a fair assumption - but these days, ozone generators have largely replaced the traditional systems.

I can see merit in multi-speed or speed-controlled filteration arrangements. Let's look at the traditional chlorine arrangement for a moment ....

Chlorine is depleted, in greatest part, by simple sunlight. I suspact that if you had a photocell increase the flow during the daylight hours, you would be adding chlorine as you needed it, and be better able to maintain an even concentration.

Likewise, timers could be used to give the pool a 'power filteration' just before opening time, or to increase filtration during the busiest hours. I think this woiuld be a real improvement over the simple 'on/off' systems we now use.

Lest anyone misunderstand me, I truly wish that code writers would step aside and let the market, and technology, take their natural course. Nothing encourages conservation better than the monthly electric bill!