
How many times have you seen a GFI receptacle not work on a final inspection? I always get the same answer when I inspect on a final. The answer goes something like this, " The GFI was working yesterday! I guess some one used it today and blew it out. I will replace it tomorrow. Are you going to pass the job today?" Another time I got an answer like this. "It was from that bad batch from X country!" (This was a very large job, 10 buildings 5 stories each, 23 apt. per floor.) The EC bought 2 large batches of GFI's one group of GFI's were manufactured in oriental country, and one batch was made in a South American country. It seems that the one country had all of the bad GFI's and the second country didn't.

I didn't care which country it came from, the job failed until the GFI worked. smile