i've been using TP now for a while

seems one gets one'struck stocked up with a certian brand widget, and simply uses them on all jobs & serv calls

i really don't have a prob with the TP devices

what i do have a problem with is how our trade (or perhaps i should say the manufacturing masters of it) quantify any new safety device.

there exists no unbiased gauge for this, all i hear is anecdotal testimonial and fluff.

all the trade mags are also primarilly owned by the manufactures (which is why we get them for free) , as well as all the writers obviuously being too intimidated to opine in the negative

so yeah, i'll try to be compliant, that's my job

(anyone else have trouble stuffing 24 afci's in a 40 cir panel, and keeping it neat here?)

but don't try and sell me safety based on $$$ in some ceo's back pocket

sorry, that dog don't hunt....
