Whenever the topic of tracing conduits comes up, someone is sure to chime in with stories about 'witching.'

To test these theories, the folks at the Sceptical Enquirer actually arranged a test ... pipes and cables of various material, crossing a parking lot that was under construction. Each was marked at the start, and the lot backfilled and graded. Then, various "witchers" were asked to trace the runs.

Despite considerable effort, SE was not able to find any who could trace even one. Several of the :experts" asserted that the trial was, in some way, unfair. It seems the method only works at places other than test sites, and only when no one is watching.

Not that there is not any value in being able to 'read' the surroundings. Sometimes ground contours, building layouts, and other features can give you valuable clues as to where the pipes have been run.