Derailed, you have a good point ... it's always good to read the actual documents. Yet ....

When you cut through the bull, laws are often written in convoluted ways for dishonest reasons. This also often happens in bid requests, as well. While the 'lawyers' know they're not supposed to write things to specifically favor / punish a specific party, they dance around with supposedly 'neutral' descriptions.
Sort of what would happen if ECN wrote special rules just for new members with 8-letter screen names, beginning with "D", ending with "D", from southern states. Could such be aimed at any but a specific person?

As for 'exceptions" .... as I said before, the light bulb is NOT what's at stake here. Accepting 'exceptions' is agreeing to the intrusion of government into an area where it does not belong. And, 'exceptions' have a way of disappearing over time. I can do without such generosity!

Speaking of exceptions, though .... I am unable to find the 'exception' to the limitations of government (called the "Constitution") that allows any part of any governing body to say anything on this issue. Like I said .... it's the nose of the camel ....