you guys should read the actual text of the bill and the very long list of exceptions. It specifically allows special service bulbs like for your oven and fridge and ceiling fan and all those other things. It specifically allows anything with a base other than the standard one so you dont have to worry about your candelabra bulbs or anything like that. And it doesn't mention incandescent specifically, but rather places the limit on lumen output per watt. So if those guys who were working on the nano etched filament that released so much more light ever get a manufacturing process that works you wont have to miss regular bulbs at all. Was that GE or philips? I can't remember...

So I'm not terribly worried. That being said, I am picking up a box of 100 watt bulbs every time I go into the hardware store wink Those are about the only non CF or led bulbs that I still use in the house and I have them in overhead lights that are on dimmers that need to be bright sometimes. CF's with dimmers just dont cut it yet.