Hello from South Dakota!!!

I have an 11yr old, 8yr old, and 2yr old running around in my house right now. If this poor womans life is anything like ours, this is the way I see this playing out;

2yr old and 6yr old in the bathtub while mom is doing her hair getting ready for church. Mom needs make-up out of her purse and goes to get it (leaving hair dryer on the ede of the sink).
2yr old gets tired of being the tub and gets out. As the 2yr old gets out of tub she accidentally knocks hair dryer off of the sink edge and into tub, killing her sister.
2yr old runs naked into the living room where Mommy is standing looking into her little pocket mirror putting on her make-up. Mommy puts on the baby's diaper and goes to check on the 6yr old. (This is where the Mother dies in her heart)!

Every day we as individuals, and as a society, do stupid little things that don't always stike us as stupid until something horible happens. It is our responsibility as parents to teach our children the best we can, and in my opinion, it is our duty to teach our fellow man with the knowledge that has been granted us.


Jon Niemeyer