A couple of months ago, I had the displeasure of being assinged to put together some modular "boxes" at a modular home factory. I was there for a few weeks, and let me say that I can't believe what I saw. They notch the studs, and use nail plates everywhere. A lot of the sheetrock goes up BEFORE they box out the units, and are nailed on from behind. Anyway I digress.

I was plugging and swiching on one of the finish staged boxes, and every trade(if you want to call them that) is around you with nail guns, saws, drills, paint rollers...LOTS OF NOISE. You can't hear much. So one of my fellow "electricians" casually says very low...."hey, we're doing the HI POT." Well, needless to say, I didn't here him, or he didn't make sure I heard him...whatever the case, as I was holding a grounded switch in my left hand and was wrapping the feed around the screw terminalwith my right hand, pressing pretty hard with my right thumb to get the wire just right before I squeeze the wire hook with my strippers, something I can only compare to "hands the size of God's" shook me once, and only because I let go pretty quick. I stood there for a moment and thought, "that was more than 110V."

Then another first happened.....I started to smell a buring smell...like hair or flesh....from within my body. Very strage...anyway, thank god I never have to go back to that place. I can't beleive some of the guys have been there for over 14 years. Pretty crazy. I took a reading of what hit me afterwards, and it was over 900V.