Sherlock Holmes and Thomas Edison go on a camping trip to Niagara. They retire for the night, and go to sleep. Several hours later, Holmes wakes and nudges Thomas in the ribs.

"Thomas, look over yonder and tell me what you see."

"I see the lights of the power house, my dear Holmes, lit up by the marvel of electricity."

"And what, my dear friend, are the implications of that?"

Thomas ponders for just a moment. "It is the dawn of a new age Sherlock. Unlimited power will be generated for factories and homes. Domestic machinery will follow for many tasks and give freedom from drudgery. Our streets will be lit up and safe for the traveller. Our economy will expand, our democracy will strengthen and of course, I shall make a lot of money! What does it tell you, my dear Holmes?"

"I deduce, my dear comrade, that someone has stolen our tent.”

Wood work but can't!