The Q&A section is fine, but to get at the law itself you have to go to the statutes.

489.522 Qualifying agents; responsibilities.--

(b) A secondary qualifying agent is responsible only for:

1. The supervision of field work at sites where his or her license was used to obtain the building permit; and

2. Any other work for which he or she accepts responsibility.

A secondary qualifying agent is not responsible for supervision of financial matters.

No matter what the law says, obviously from the post so far no one thinks it to be a good idea and that's why I asked. I was wanting an honest opinion from peers and I truly appreciate the replies so far posted.
I spent 1 1/2 years and over $4K getting licensed in Florida. My sympathies go out to anyone who attempts it. They make it tough. If anyone does decide they want to be an EC in Florida, I would recommend finding one of the companies that specialize in it. Not Mike Holt or Tom Henry, although great with prep, that is less than 20% of it. Filling out all the paperwork is a nightmare and they have created an industry in Florida that exists only to wade thru the miles of red tape.