wrap kids in cotton until the age of 18, the whole world is a dangerous place and we must have legislation.
Mate, I couldn't agree more!.
This is one of the reasons that we have such poorly adjusted young adults these days, because of this molly-coddling (sp?).
Being prepared for the real world these kids will experience when they leave the safety of school, should start at school at a young age.

How on earth did any of us who grew up in the 1960s/1970s ever survive?.
To put it simply Paul, we used things like initiative and common-sense taught to us by our parents.
I used to go out fishing and hunting in Temuka as a young fella and never once got hurt doing it (although I did get a fish-hook stuck in my finger once).
Seeing kids here with fishing rods these days would be a rarity, rivers are deemed too dangerous for kids to be anywhere near, you might drown or even worse, you might actually catch something, which would be terrible, because (so we are told) the only place you can safely get fish from, is a supermarket.