I've been asked to investigate unexplained power consumption in a public house (bar where they sell alcohol). The meter has been checked and found to be ok. The client says there has been an unexplained increase in the amount of units the pub is using.

I thought I would investigate a number of things such as: investigating any earth leakage (although would have to be a serious problem); measure current used by appliances to see if as nameplate; any water heater/chiller thermostat not working etc.

There is an interesting article on artificial power consumption but I can't see a pub having much of a PF problem. http://www.marcspages.co.uk/pq/index.htm

Does anybody have anyone thoughts on the subject.

On second thoughts PF could be a problem and worth considering. Air conditioning, discharge lamps etc. will all add up to substantial proportion of the overall power used especially if heating is not electric.

[This message has been edited by TeesdaleSparkUK (edited 02-04-2006).]