*** Update ***

I sent another e-mail over the holidays asking if anything had yet been decided. Here's the reply, received today:

Within the County we have been working towards the adoption of a policy to acheive a consistent approach to this completely new area of work. We have come up with a draft policy which is currently being circulated for consideration. We have also produced a guidance leaflet which is being printed and which I will send you a copy if you let me have an address to which it can be forwarded.

With regards to fees, our current minmum charge is £60 + vat. It is intended that this will be adopted for applications for electrical work up to a value of £20000.

So they've decided upon the fees. At least they've given a flat fee for all electrical work likely to be carried out on domestic premises and are not going to try to profiteer by bumping it up on larger works.

I'm still concerned at the level of the fee though. £60 plus VAT comes to over £70 in total. Nobody around here is going to pay that for minor wiring work.