Those were 80mm. The distance DIN-rail-panel front was the same as with new ones. This type of breaker was used until some time between 1987 and 1991 (2 rewires I've seen, the 1987 rewire still has the old ones, the 1991 rewire already has the smaller type). Width was always the same, only the RCDs have gotten narrower, putting a new RCD into such a panel leaves almost enough space to fit a single pole breaker. 1p + N or 2p breakers are double width. I actually like the old ones better because the handles are bigger. When we had an electrician to check our wiring after we relocated the meter he looked at our panel and said: "Those Diazed fuses aren't gonna stay?" We just said: "No. they're just temporary." Then he said: "Don't let the PoCo guys see that panel. The breakers aren't legal any more either." I didn't ask for reasons, so I have no idea why you can't use them. They're pretty expensive at Ebay, since there are no replacements any more. Though I don't have the slightest idea why anyone would buy a whole panel like the one in the picture (I took it from Ebay), except for a nostalgia nut like me [Linked Image]