I do off grid installs. I took a 'solar course' a while ago, was the only 'lectrician there, and subsequently have been involved since then.

There is a monetary aspect here, ( we are $.0117 KWH) as the 'bottom line' has attracted the mainstream public these days, as opposed to the sandal wearing dreadlock sporting crusaders of the past.
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Our history here has gone 180 deg. from the Rural Electrification Program* , after WW2 I believe, when poco's would actually knock on your door selling themselves, to expensive line extentions ($11 OH $18 UG prim)
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The inital poco install, plus monthly fees that can be easily amortized over , say a decade, justify quite the alt. power setup.
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This, of course is most attractive to those whom choose house sites here waaaay out in the puckerbrush, many don't even realise when there's a power failure.
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*( any old timers here from the REP era?)