
POCO does charge a PF penalty on KW usage. They have minumums that must be met, yet they are hidden, and was a real bugger getting this info from them:

1-185KW must maintain a PF of .80 or better
185-2500KW .90 or better

And this is both on GS(commercial) services as well as HT(high voltage transmission) services.

So, then..I was able to retrieve bills that show the PF of the place ranges from .69 to .76 from 12 months ago.

Would you attempt to size PF caps from the .69 to say a .90. That would push the PF from .76 to .97, wouldn't it?

What would happen if you corrected the .69, to say .93, and then when the loads changed, it forced the .76 either at unity or slightly above?
