
I will send pics as soon as I can.. probably around Friday when I get a few mins at home to do so..
I hear you though on the FPE thing.. I have that same issue with Cutler Hammer... they are cheap and builders love em but I have seen way too many burn up for my liking..

Frank, Ya that sealtite is just going up to a J.B in the ceiling .. Its part of the generator install.. didn't require sealtite of course but it is a short run and it was available, I had a hard time getting my hands on some aluminum flex and connectors at the time believe it or not!!! [Linked Image]

I don't really like the panels horizontal either, BUT they allow it here especially if its a big panel ( 64 or 84 cct) or you are changing out one and would otherwise need a pile of JB's to extend circuits..

Mike: Yes these panels are " Combination" panels.. Combination main disconnect and service all in one tub, with a barrier between that absolutely NO branch circuits may pass.. mains may NOT pass through the branch section either...
As for them being horiz.. just to eliminate J.B's during replacement of an existing panel OR if its a big panel ( 64 or 84 cct)


[This message has been edited by Rewired (edited 01-04-2006).]