Can you expand on any other methods of reducing the current besides what virgil has mentioned above. Let me start by posing the following:
I think that we can all agree that article 250 doesn't stop you from driving supplementary ground rods if desired. If (and that is a big "if") a person thought that current on the main trunk line entering their house was going to pose a problem. Where would you suggest driving the additional rods? Would you say, open up the ditch where the trunk is buried, and drive rods every 10', and bond to the pluming line? Just at the meter? Also, I can see that the condition of the soil is going to play a role. Dry soil is more resistive, wet soil is going to be the opposite. Enlighten me, if you would.

Putting on my shades,

The Watt Doctor
Altura Cogen
Channelview, TX