Guess what? Today an inspector (for the pipeline) came out to inspect our substation. Since its gonna be awhile before the utility even puts up 138kv lines across country to us(which we are dependent on to obtain our own house power via a single now you guys & gals know why)..he wants us to temp 120v.power to the breaker heaters in the SF6 filled GCB's...manufacturer's warranty..blah..blah.. Long story short....he has a complete cow over the temp (like y'all did). But not even he is sure how to grab a ground. I know you guys are curious...just exactly how hard can it be? me on this would have to see it and understand the politics of "whose gonna". Is it the untility? Or is it the pipeline that must bear the brunt? Anyway, I did an emotional jig with a straight face, immediately extracted myself from the blame, and fielded him to my foreman whose piece of crap it is in the first place. Thanks for easing up on me guys. I DO know how to ground a major switchyard....I wasn't bragging about my unsafe condition (was I???). I guess this situation got out of hand and felt like the "welder" with some resentments for having to use the piece of crap in the first place.