FPE breakers: either they are held in by the deadfront, or you have to pry them off with a crowbar.

When I bought my house 7 years ago, I found a dimmer that was connected to the 10 AWG aluminum wiring using only scotch tape. No wire nuts at all!

Yeah, and it had FPE equipment, too. Built in '71. Now the service and sub are upgraded, and most of the branch circuits have been completely rewired. Only two Al circuits left, and they will be gone within a few months.

Tape on wire nuts:
In the old days of porcelain wire nuts, or any without internal springs, this was a good idea. It was to keep the wire nut from falling off. This is probably a reason most ECs stuck to solder and friction tape for so long. I can't say I blame them.

I agree with git r dun. If you have to use tape, there is something wrong with your technique.