To All:
I now have almost exculsively Milwaukee, I really like them, but the one I like the most is the mil 14.4 with the heavy-duty battery and thats for a couple of reasons.
1. I have 4 batteries for it ( these were left behind by the theives who didnt take them but took the tools) that notwith standing when the Milwaukee 14.4 runs out of gas its, like now and you got to change it, and they take a 1/2 inch drill shank and will drill thru just about anything.
2. I had a DeWalt 18 volt hammar-drill/Drill and it worked fine and had no complaints except it was very awkward when it had to be used on a ladder, Its one super redeeming feature was when I put in a service on an all brick building with no power it drilled into the brick without a problem.
After it got stolen( I got hit three times) I never replaced it but tried the Bosch 18 volt and it was really powerful but very fragile, I dropped two from a 6-foot step and the collet broke off each one, the dealer replaced them each time but after the third time I went back to the Milwaukee.
As far as the batteries not holding a charge I have not yet had that problem, as I said i have 4 but hate the thought of shelling out 60 dollars for a new one,(the orange store sells them for 54.95 plus tax)but still alot of money for one battery. Just as a side note I still have three chargers(the Mil.Universal type) and i leave two in the case and two on the chargers amd carry the third charger in the case, Just in case.
But thats how I see it.