Thanks for the replies. CSED stands for Combination Service Entrance Device (this is a meterbase with a main and provisions for branch circuits and with feed through lugs. The panel I use is a SQ-D and it is a pretty good setup. I always use these because you can get a generator kit and it will accpet a breaker style TVSS (transient voltage surge suppressor).
As for ASCR or "ASER" I meant to say .(ASCR is also a cable but is not what I meant I think ASCR is overhead cable with a steel guy/carrier or center wire/strand.)..this is ALUMINUM SERVICE ENTRANCE CABLE (ROMEX type)... at least thats what I have always called it..it is 3 insulated and a bare ground inside a sheath..used for inside or outside wiring mainly to feed sub panels or a main panel from a main disco. 4/0-4/0-4/0-2/0 in my case..look at this ref:
http://www.cerrowire.com/cerrowire/catalog/Cerro/ALUMINUM%20SER.pdf I was looking over the building tonight and there is a 10 foot concrete wall and a 8 foot LOG wall on the exterior wall where the feed comes through..the wall connecting to that on one side has a top plate made of 2 - 2"X12"s nailed together and they stand on edge. The opposite wall where the feed comes in there is a glu-lam that is 12 X 6. the joist run at right angles to the concrete retainer wall and the wall with the glu-lam. the other wall, which is the shared wall between the garage and the laundry room, is the closest place there is to place this main breaker panel due to structural aspects. the washer and dryer occupy the only available wall space where the feeder comes in. It is about twenty feet from where the point of entrance is.
I need to be able to get my cables in the top of the panel. I cant drill down a set of 2X12's or a glu-lam.
I could set a main breaker on that wall and then out of it to a main lug only panel though.
I see no reason a ASER type cable would not be allowed further than 10 feet...IMMEDIATELY means, IMMEDIATELY on the OTHERSIDE of the WALL. Not ANY distance but IMMEDIATELY. There are THOUSANDS of NEW homes built in 2004 that do not have the MB on the exterior wall or IMMEDIATELY located at the point of entrance.
This is why the NEC should place a dimension on this. A min and a max.
I hate to run to the state inspector to ask what they think. I am not sure they are evn setup to field questions of this type.
I will have to chew on this some more.
Thanks for the help.
[This message has been edited by mustangelectric (edited 12-07-2004).]