hey jack5.. i was once in the EXACT same senario as you.. it was comming towards the summer of my freshman year in highschool, i was 15 and i wanted a summer job... i told my uncle and the zone mechanics at my school to see if they knew of an electrician that would take me in and teach me.. well.. i always wanted to be an electrician.. ever since i was a little kid.. it was my calling i guess.. so i was already armed with plenty of knowledge about how electricty works etc... i got the job... i was a quick learner but it took some time.. im 17 now and ive been workin for the same company.. im listed as a helper..., i started at $5.15, min wage, then i got a progressive raise.. now im up to $7.00 an hour, more money as my knowledge and skills grow.. theres a few things i cant do though, i cant bend pipe very well, and im still not as clean and efficient as i should be, but i know how to do good, safe work... just see if you can get in with a company.. ask if they need a laborer and work your way up i guess... good luck any way.. im havin a ton of fun! doin what i love, learning, and getting paid for it.. the antics we have at work also keep things pretty lively...
good luck! if you need any advice, e-mail me