According to the definitions (in 680.2) of 'Permanently Installed Swimming Pool' and 'Storable Swimming Pool', what would a 4' above-ground all non-metallic pool be classified as?
Bill reading the definition, "on or above ground holding water to a max depth of 42" or a pool with nonmetalic, molded polymeric walls or inflatable fabric walls regardless of dimension" I think the key word is nonmetallic here. The way I read it that is a storable pool. I would think that the definition of storable pool goes farther than the definition of permanantly installed pool by giving actual material types and calrifyng their classification. Does this make sense to anyone?
"and all others capable of holding water in a depth greater than 1.0 m (42 in.) ..." Our 4' pool would fit in here as well because of it's height/depth.