Fun. For the audience, in your souvenir programs turn to page 40 figure H to follow along with the announcer at and, for example in this round, we have two open-delta-connected 240x480─120/240 Volt, 37.5kVA drytypes. For each transformer primary coils in series for 480V and secondary coils in parallel for 120V
Start with the two transformer secondaries. For each 120V secondary the current is rated
Each 480V primary is rated
root3/2 open-delta multiplier applied
600V hi-side current is 271 amperesAutotransformer-bank
480V lo-side current is 338 amperesThese calculations apply to the full autotransformer-bank ratings Article 450 and 240. No concern about separately derived grounding¢®¨£just the plain-vanilla equipment-grounding of the transormer frames,
Overcurrent-device and cable ratings on your own...
Calcs at [This message has been edited by Bjarney (edited 06-14-2002).]