Hi everyone,
Had an odd request last Wednesday, to look over some stuff installed by a Landscaping Contractor.
The situation is:
Our main Gen. Contractor asked me to Consult this Landscape Contractor, mostly to see if they had installed some Electrical stuff properly. I was thinking that the stuff to check out would be landscape lighting and maybe a few Receptacles -
Had no clue what I was about to walk in to
Turns out that the Landscape Contractor installed a new sub panel, connected two [2] 1-1/2 HP pumps to it, via time clocks, hooked up a spa blower, hooked up a gas water heater for the pool / spa, connected the pool's light, along with misc. items at the pool equipment.
Now I have the disapointing chore of pointing out the numerous code violations - or do I??
The entire installation is bad. Clearances are one issue, GFCI is another, circuitry is the ultimate consern, and ampacity of circuits is grossly overloaded [the sub panel is only 4 circuit!!].
I checked it out, then told him I would have to continue this Monday, as I was called away from a very pressing project, and He needed to leave also, to some meeting.
I'm wondering just how to break this bad news to him. He seems to be a nice person, plus thinks somewhat logically, but will he fix all that I suggest??
It would mean corrections to almost everything there, which might not be $$$ worthy
Another angle is that I am very sure that no Electrical Permit was taken on this pool equipment, so since there's no Inspector, he may just say "screw it".
This one leaves me with a real moral dillemna!! I can't just allow a potential hazard to stay, plus I have already touched it and consulted on it.
Any thoughts??
I'm meeting again on Monday, so I'll post results to the group.
Scott SET