I just bought a very old house that had recently been rewired into three diferent apartments . My wife and I decided to make it into one house again my problem is I have three diferent pannels , three different meter-cans, and three different electric bills. My question is what is the most economical way to make it just one service?
if it is not too much of a problem paying 3 different bills that would be the less expensive way out. otherwise you would have to, depending on your location, remove the 3 meter bases and install 1 meterbase\breaker combo with at least 6 bkr spaces and feed the 3 separate bkr panels from there. that is if the feeders are long enough. if not the cost just keeps rising. if your wanting to consolidate the 3 bkr panels into 1 then your looking at some serious re-wiring. hope some of this helps. ken m
To meet Code you will not be able to keep 3 meters in 1 occupancy per 230-40. 1 occupancy=1 meter. (Sorry) I think the least expensive code compliant option you have is to sub-feed the 2 other panels from your main service panel, which will need to be sized to the entire load of your house. You'll also have to abandon the 2 extra service grounds.
[This message has been edited by electure (edited 12-02-2001).]