Anyone know if there are any U.S. distributors for Schneider Electric of Canada circuit breakers ?
Apparently they manufacture brand new replacement Stab-Lok circuit breakers for old FPE panels.
There seem to be several places in the U.S. offering re-manufactured, or reconditioned breakers, but only Schneider seems to (still) make brand new replacement ones.
Did a Google, but couldn't find U.S. distributors.
Check import prices/shipping and then got to your wholesaler and see what the cost is for them to order the parts?I buy all my car parts and a ton of electrical from the states with no hassle a the border what so ever.FPE/Square D have the same mother company over here(Schneider) so any wholesaler who has one will have the other.I doubt you will be able to get them without paying the import tax etc anyways.Our dollar is around 80 cents US right now so... Be sure they are accepted under UL before hand since Canadian build specs are slightly different.Ask if each breaker carries a UL marking which I'm sure it will.I'm in Windsor Ontario 1/4 mile south of Detroit and can hook you up with a wholesaler if you like.Why do you need Canadian made breakers. cheers
A few years ago I picked up some Schneider (Federal Pioneer) Stab-Lok breakers from Bay Breakers. They are not in your area but if you can’t find a local distributor they will be happy to ship to you.
I don’t have a problem with purchasing a used break as long as its been tested. I know everyone hates Stab-Locs but I have talked to several of the local breaker shops and am told these breakers seldom fail when tested.