I think reno's got it right.. It's not a heavy duty puller like some that greenlee make but for lighter/shorter stuff (like typical resi work) I think maxis pullers are ok. I've used Greenlee's and Maxis's and I do like the variety of positions the maxis can be configured for, but they do have their limits. As long as you keep its limitations in mind, I don't think they are that bad. We have a maxis and a big greenlee at my shop and for the smaller stuff we bring the maxis and for the long big pulls break out the greenlee. Having toted both, I admit I would much rather carry the maxis up 3 flights of stairs than our greenlee
. The quality is decent, although I have no idea about parts availability since ours hasn't broken yet, but that would be a consideration for me personally.. If I were buying one puller to fill all my needs, I would consider what it was I would be pulling, mainly. So long as it wasn't too much "big" stuff, I think a maxis would do just fine.