I was wondering if anyone ever seen, used, or still use smaller AL EMT in sizes like 1/2, 3/4, & 1". I seen it in some old houses. I was just wondering why it is not seen around with the price of steel being high. I would think you could cary more bundles and be easier to bend.
Didn't AL ridgid used to cost more than steel? Now the ridgid is about 1/2 the price.
Is there anything special that should or should not be done with AL pipe. Like using steel locknuts or nipples?
I had the brainstorm to check into Al EMT when the price of steel started going up. I've not seen it in sizes smaller than 2-1/2", (but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, of course). I found that the price of aluminum had gone up just like that of steel, and the only appreciable savings would be that of installation. 1 man can easily install 4" alone
I love the stuff, just be sure to use lots of lube.
IIRC, th last time I did a service, 2" EMT was $22/10', Fe (galv steel) RMC was $52/10', and 2" Al RMC was $32/10'.
Quite a difference! And yes, Al used to be about 30-50% more than steel. Now the proportions are reversed, but (unfortunately) without a drop in the price of Al!
Never seen thinwall Al, though...
[This message has been edited by DougW (edited 01-20-2005).]