Not being a wise guy, but... To correct the situation may require moving out for the walls to be opened, and re-wired at which point the whole place should be re-modeled. If this is your only complaint, maybe its time to move?
I hate having to do occupied apt. up-grades. It starts with the complaint to the landlord, who calls us. Then I show up and say, "Well, you need to clear everything 3' from every wall, and under any of the ceiling areas that need work." The tenant ends up with all thier stuff in narrow piles like a maze around the house, and miserable for the duration of the job.
Maybe you'll be lucky and it was done originaly in conduit.
At 180VA per yoke, and the unknown fixture wattage, you're well over the rating for the circuits at the most recent codes. I don't know if that many were ever allowed. But this is more of a 'renters board' question.
An Electrician could be hired to make an assesment of the system, and recommendations, but it's between you and your landloard at the end of it.