In dealing with different POCOS, how many of them that you work with have a requirement for test bypass facilities on non residental metering or is that a California thing? PG&E requires it with limited exceptions.
I not complaining about the requirement,I wanted to know if other ultilities required them. It doesnt do any good to argue with them just do what they want and get over it
P.S. P.G.& E. also stands for Pacific Graft & Extortion,Play Games & Eat,Pigs Goats & Elephants.
[This message has been edited by NORCAL (edited 07-15-2004).]
I wonder if they will ever change their way of providing customer service or their attitude so customers, contractors or who ever deals with PG&E will have a positive experience to talk about.
At least PG&E’s green book {service-entrance requirements} is online/pdf. The test-bypass facilities are nothing new… have changed little in 20 years.
Also, at least gives some standardization among utilities. Everyone has their “first” introduction to EUSERC—it shouldn’t be a surprise after that.
It's a shame you guys all have had bad experiences with PG&E. Both So CA Edison and the LA Dept of Water & Power have become so easy to work with that it's a pleasure. They've both put on "a new face" in the last few years. Customer service has improved so immensely that it's like the difference between night and day.
Use the "green book" as Bjarney says, and life will become much easier for you. It won't make them get to their appointments on time, but at least you'll have your ducks in a row when the time comes. (It's pretty frustrating for the PoCo too, when contractors install things that don't meet their specifications. They've got rules they have to follow, too, ya know)